Tender Beasts

Tender Beasts Liselle Sambury


Tender Beasts

After her private school is rocked by a gruesome murder, a teen tries to find the real killer and clear her brother’s name in this psychological thriller perfect for fans of The Taking of Jake Livingston and Ace of Spades .

Sunny Behre has four siblings, but only one is a murderer.

With the death of Sunny’s mother, matriarch of the wealthy Behre family, Sunny’s once picture-perfect life is thrown into turmoil. Her mother had groomed her to be the family’s next leader, so Sunny is confused when the only instructions her mother leaves is a mysterious “Take care of Dom.”

The problem is, her youngest brother, Dom, has always been a near-stranger to Sunny…and seemingly a dangerous one, if found guilty of his second-degree murder charge. Still, Sunny is determined to fulfill her mother’s dying wish. But when a classmate is gruesomely murdered, and Sunny finds her brother with blood on his hands, her mother’s simple request becomes a lot more complicated. Dom swears he’s innocent, and although Sunny isn’t sure she believes him, she takes it upon herself to look into the murder—made all the more urgent by the discovery of another body. And another .

As Sunny and Dom work together to track down the culprit, Sunny realizes her other siblings have their own dark secrets. Soon she may have to preserve the family she’s always loved or protect the brother she barely knows—and risk losing everything her mother worked so hard to build.

Fantasia / Horror / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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Tender Beasts


Resenhas para Tender Beasts (1)

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Resenha: Tender Beasts
on 30/7/24

Outro grande livro de terror YA de Sambury! Adoro como ela escreve sobre dinâmicas familiares e, principalmente, entre irmãos e como elas sempre são complexas. A escrita aqui foi excelente como sempre e totalmente trabalhada para trazer tensão e emoção à história. O livro foi contado principalmente da perspectiva de Sunny e ela era uma personagem fascinante. Havia tanta coisa acontecendo com ela em relação à sua família e o que ela achava que eles esperavam dela e foi intrigante ler... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
27/09/2023 11:33:35
editou em:
27/09/2023 11:33:43

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