The Bonus

The Bonus T L Swan


The Bonus

From Wall Street Journal, BookTok, and #1 Amazon bestselling author T L Swan comes the sizzling story of Gabriel Ferrara and Grace Porter.

Grace Porter has the perfect job, great pay, a beautiful office, everything she ever dreamed of, if not for one small detail.
She's utterly and hopelessly in love with her boss.

Gabriel Ferrara is tall and handsome, and most days she wants to stab her eyes out with a pencil, anything to stop her seeing his perfection.
How any female could work in these conditions and not be completely besotted with him is beyond her.

Then he opens his mouth and she remembers why.
He's bossy and sarcastic, with a wit so sharp it could cut glass.

Every weekend is the same . . . while he's off living his dream life, she's counting down the days until Monday when she sees him again.

But enough is enough.
Grace is tired of organising his glamorous and exciting life, instead of living her own.
Determined to find true happiness, she hands in her resignation.

Furious, he won't accept it, and rages like never before.
Desperate to keep her, he offers her a Bonus . . . one she never saw coming.

Finally . . .
It's Grace's turn to be the boss.

Authors note. . . . Includes exclusive ebook Bonus scenes from Gabriel Ferrara.

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The Bonus


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Como pode uma autora ser especialista em livro ruim?
on 29/8/24

Todos os personagens escritos por essa autora me irritam. Os homens são sempre tóxicos, quando não são insuportáveis, e as mulheres são todas sonsas. As histórias são fracas e o desenvolvimento do livro é péssimo, o que dá mais destaque para as red flags dos personagens. Fora essa coisa ridícula de "macho alfa" que os personagens principais masculinos têm. Completamente fútil e abre espaço para qualquer justificativa das atrocidades que eles falam nos livros, inclusive, os próprios per... leia mais


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ranking 9



Girl books
cadastrou em:
15/08/2024 20:43:15
Girl books
editou em:
15/08/2024 20:44:01

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