The Fae King

The Fae King's Curse Jamie Schlosser


The Fae King's Curse (Between Dawn and Dusk #1)

Kirian and I were just twelve years old when I pulled him from the icy waters of the creek behind my house. As he looked in my direction with unseeing lavender eyes, I quickly realized our age was just about the only thing we had in common. He spoke with an accent, he had pointy ears, and he was so beautiful it made my heart ache. Oh, and he claimed to be a fae prince cursed by witches who stole his sight.

I thought he was crazy from hypothermia. Turns out, he wasn’t, and for some reason he keeps coming back. But a day in my world is a year in his. Every time I see him, he’s older. Wiser. Hotter.

Over the past six years, I’ve tried not to fall in love with him because the terms of the curse are clear: If he doesn’t wait for his fated mate in all ways, including an innocent (or not-so-innocent) kiss, he’ll be blind forever.

So when Kirian kisses me and pulls me through the portal to his realm, I make it my mission to do some damage control. It’d be a whole lot easier if he wasn’t determined to marry me... And if someone wasn’t trying to murder me every step of the way.

Erótico / Fantasia / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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The Fae King's Curse - Jamie Schlosser
on 3/9/22

O primeiro livro dessa série ficcional que traz um universo diferente sobre elfos, bruxas e outros seres mágicos, inicialmente (como todo bom livro de ficção) é uma história muito confusa pois começa quando os personagens eram crianças e só piora por algumas páginas já que o tempo para os dois personagens em seus mundos é completamente diferente. Depois de entender bem o que está acontecendo e a forma como os fatos vão se desenrolando tudo começa a parecer mais claro. Todo o contexto n... leia mais


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Ren Alc.
cadastrou em:
29/12/2020 01:21:57
Ren Alc.
editou em:
29/12/2020 01:22:09

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