The Gathering Storm

The Gathering Storm Brandon Sanderson
Robert Jordan


The Gathering Storm (Wheel of Time #12)

Book twelve of the Wheel of Time seires

The Gathering Storm is the title of the 12th book of the The Wheel of Time fantasy series. It was incomplete at the time of the death of its author, Robert Jordan, who died on September 16, 2007 from cardiac amyloidosis having written 50,000 words. His widow Harriet McDougal and publisher Tom Doherty chose to continue the book posthumously. Brandon Sanderson was then chosen to finish writing the book.

Jordan originally intended to finish the series in a single volume titled A Memory of Light, but when Sanderson began writing the book it became clear a split was required as it was believed a single volume would be too large to print. The expected final book was then split into three volumes: The Gathering Storm, Towers of Midnight, and A Memory of Light. The books would be published a year apart with the first volume, The Gathering Storm, published on October 27, 2009; a week earlier than originally announced.

Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (6)

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The Gathering Storm
The Gathering Storm
The Gathering Storm
The Gathering Storm


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A Memory of Light
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Resenhas para The Gathering Storm (24)

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Resenha: A tempestade iminente
on 31/8/20

E aqui estamos nós no verdadeiro começo do fim. Na trilogia final que nasceu pra ser uma história contínua que nos leva até o grande final dessa saga tão cheia de emoção e momentos épicos. Eu admito que nunca fiquei receoso com a troca do autor, conheço alguns livros do Brandon e, mesmo que nas obras mais recentes ele tenha tomado uma voz própria, o Jordan sempre foi uma grande referência pra ele. E o seu jeito mais dinâmico de escrita deu uma roupagem nova e interessante pra trama, c... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.7 / 233
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cadastrou em:
13/12/2009 20:30:07
editou em:
19/05/2022 08:34:51

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