The Hawks

The Hawks S.D. Hendrickson


The Hawks

"A sultry summer of suspense that leads to the fall of a power family."

He warned me. Said hawks were dangerous birds. Their majestic beauty could blind your eyes as they picked the flesh from your bones.

But even hawks have enemies. And they eventually came for the Hawthorn family. Held us hostage. Demanded retribution.

But I wasn’t a Hawthorn. No, I was just the help. Caught in the turmoil of a tragic family. I worked hard for Delsey Hawthorn. Tried to earn the respect of the reigning tyrant. Assistant. Event planner. Gardner. Chauffeur. I added it all to my resume.

And then I met Javier Hawthorn. Delsey ordered me to stay away from her grandson. But like a moth to a burning flame, I gravitated toward him. He was so different than my world. Irresistible. Charming. He brought a calmness to the chaos.

But that was before the intruders came into the house. Tied us up. Hurt us. We struggled to get away. We fought to survive.

But who were the men behind the masks? Did we know them? Because someone who got this close to the family at night must be even closer during the day.

Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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The Hawks


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“Sarina Atwood era a única prata banhada a ouro que trabalhava em uma casa de platína
on 13/8/18

Primeiro, imaginem o cenário: cidade pequena, daquelas que todo mundo se conhece. Uma família tradicional, cujo dinheiro vem de décadas. Uma matriarca excêntrica. E é no meio disso tudo que nossa mocinha vai parar. Sarina acaba conseguindo emprego como assistente pessoal da Delsey Hawthorn (a matriarca), que tem fama de ser uma pessoa intimidadora e egocêntrica. Mas esse emprego, mesmo tendo que deixar sua família a cuidados do seu irmão, é a porta de entrada para outros melhores e tud... leia mais


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23/07/2018 08:44:05

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