The Insatiable Volt Sisters

The Insatiable Volt Sisters Rachel Eve Moulton


The Insatiable Volt Sisters

A Novel

"Weird and exhilarating and funny and sad and disturbing and scary and poignant and righteous." —Paul Tremblay, author of The Pallbearers Club

"Pure nightmare fuel." —Gus Moreno, author of This Thing Between Us

It's the summer of 1989 and Beatrice and Henrietta Volt are coming of age on remote Fowler Island, their ancestral home and wild playground. Thicker than thieves, the sisters plot their futures, having no idea that their parents are separating. Or that the plan is to separate them.

Ten years pass before Henrie gets a desperate call from her sister—their father has died suddenly and B.B. needs her to come back to the island for the funeral. But Henrie doesn’t want to go back. She’s barely put the island and all those rumors about missing women behind her. And isn’t it odd that she remembers nothing at all about the night she left? And why is she suddenly filled with fear about the quarry pond behind the house?

Told from the perspectives of four flawed, fascinating women, The Insatiable Volt Sisters is a lush, enthralling fable about monsters real and imagined. From the unbounded imagination of Rachel Eve Moulton, the critically acclaimed author of Tinfoil Butterfly, comes another eerie, terrifying exploration of family and legacy: Will the Volt sisters inherit the horrors of their past or surpass them?

Ficção / Horror / Literatura Estrangeira / Terror

Edições (1)

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The Insatiable Volt Sisters


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Tinfoil Butterfly
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on 3/2/24

Acho que esse livro tinha um potencial muito grande, mas que para mim falhou. Gostei MUITO do outro livro que li da autora, e pelo o que vi de outras pessoas ela é uma autora "hit or miss". Tinfoil Butterfly foi um hit pra mim e esse um miss bem feio. Adorei a ambientação macabra numa ilha, a ideia de casa como personagem, personagens femininas esquisitas, relação de irmãs quase que simbiótica, pessoas que somem e fantasmas. Pensei que ia entregar tudo mas não entregou foi nada. No máx... leia mais


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