The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass


The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Generally held to be the most famous piece written by a former slave, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is a memoir on abolition written by the famous orator. First published in 1845, it set the tone for the American abolitionist movement. Within four months, it sold more than 5,000 copies; within fifteen years, it sold 30,000. The eleven chapters in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass not only recount Douglass' life as a slave, but his tremendous ambition to become a free man. The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is the first of Douglas's three autobiographies and the most read. Inside this book, Douglass provides graphic descriptions of his childhood and horrifying experiences as a slave as well as a harrowing record of his dramatic escape to the North and eventual freedom. The Narrative is admired today for its extraordinary passion, sensitive and vivid descriptions and storytelling power. This book belongs in the library of anyone interested in African-American history and the life of one of the country's most courageous and influential champions of civil rights. This amazing work that sparked a historical movement is presented in a beautifully bound, easy to read edition.

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The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass


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Leitura essencial
on 29/10/21

Um livro forte, pesado, que relata em detalhe o que aconteceu na vida de Frederick Douglass, um homem nascido escravo, que passa por muitos desastres em sua vida até atingir a tão desejada liberdade. Douglass descreve sua infância, adolescência, falando sobre cada um de seus mestres e donos de escravos. É inspirador como ele se prendeu a ideia de liberdade, e a leitura e escrita como símbolos de sua libertação. Através da leitura é que Douglass começou a ter esperança de um dia deixa... leia mais


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