The Perfect Child

The Perfect Child Lucinda Berry


The Perfect Child

A page-turning debut of suspense about a young couple desperate to have a child of their own—and the unsettling consequences of getting what they always wanted.

Christopher and Hannah are a happily married surgeon and nurse with picture-perfect lives. All that’s missing is a child. When Janie, an abandoned six-year-old, turns up at their hospital, Christopher forms an instant connection with her, and he convinces Hannah they should take her home as their own.

But Janie is no ordinary child, and her damaged psyche proves to be more than her new parents were expecting. Janie is fiercely devoted to Christopher, but she acts out in increasingly disturbing ways, directing all her rage at Hannah. Unable to bond with Janie, Hannah is drowning under the pressure, and Christopher refuses to see Janie’s true nature.

Hannah knows that Janie is manipulating Christopher and isolating him from her, despite Hannah’s attempts to bring them all together. But as Janie’s behavior threatens to tear Christopher and Hannah apart, the truth behind Janie’s past may be enough to push them all over the edge.

Ficção / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (2)

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The Perfect Child
The Perfect Child


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Resenhas para The Perfect Child (33)

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on 19/8/21

The Perfect Child *Lucinda Berry* Editora Thomas & Mercer, 2019-320pág. ?? Bora falar de livro!! ? ???? Neta minha teacher que livro foi esse?! Nossa, o começo é muito perturbador,  esse é um exemplo de terror psicológico muito bem sucedido!! Muito obrigado!! ????? uma pergunta, como é que você leu esse livro é tem medo de ler a comédia romântica "O Exorcista"?! ? . ("A Criança Prefeita") Que livro punk, não sei se tem a versão em português, mas já deixo aqui que, vale muito a pena! Ti... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 148
ranking 27
ranking 47
ranking 20
ranking 3
ranking 2



editou em:
19/01/2023 15:35:53

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