The Pixie

The Pixie's Queen S J Sanders


The Pixie's Queen

Born into a family of witches, Orenda has the misfortune of being the sole member of her family born without magic. The smallest bit of magic that she can claim for herself is the ability to sense out magical talismans. She is drawn to them and makes it her task to keep the most powerful of them out of the reach of her family. Yet, when she comes across an ancient talisman in an antique shop, she is swept away by its magic into the fae world, but not unchanged.Shrunk and stranded alone in the depths of the troll kingdom, Orenda must rely on the help of a hive of male pixies. Although they say that she is their queen, and lure her with every touch, they promise to help her return home. They are nothing like she's ever imagined a pixie to be and give her a taste of a life that she couldn't have imagined. In a world of magic, she-a magicless witch-strangely finds her place until events provide an opportunity to return to the human world. It leaves Orenda with a choice: to go back home or remain by their side?Among pixies, although long-lived, they only have a opening of a handful of years to find their mates before the elders determine that the hives be broken and the males stripped of their breeding and mating abilities to serve as protectors for young unmated queens. Shavish is determined that his hive, though well beyond the suitable age of mating, do not come to a similar fate. His hive brothers Orel and Gwin may have resigned themselves to being guardians and Dazi retreating to his scholarly works, but he is not willing to give up yet. Although being mated to a small wingless queen wasn't quite what any of them imagined, they resolve to not give her up. They will court their queen and win her for their own.The Pixies Queen is a m/m/f/m/m romance and does contain m/m. Please be aware that The Pixie's Queen is an expanded version of the novella Love Blooms for the Pixie Queen that appeared in the Love Blooms Anthology.

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The Pixie


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"Encantos e Desencantos: Uma Dança de Corações e Nomes"
on 26/2/24

Achei este livro muito envolvente, a autora conseguiu entregar uma história divertida, construindo os ambientes, sistemas e ligações de forma equilibrada. O desenvolvimento dos personagens foi bom, mas confesso que terminei com um pouco de mágoa do Gwin. Em contrapartida, me apaixonei completamente pelo Dazi, esse homem conquistou meu coração de jeito. Os quatro formaram um excelente quarteto de machos e cada um com sua personalidade bem marcada. Um ponto que me incomodou um pouco ... leia mais


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