The Quest for Eternal Life

The Quest for Eternal Life John C. De Groot


The Quest for Eternal Life (The Last Librarian #1)

Most historians believe that the Great Library of Alexandria, created by the Ptolemaic Pharaohs, was lost or destroyed.

But what if that were not the case.

Amanishakete, a Nubian Princess and member of the secret ‘Guardians of Knowledge’, accepts the quest to gain eternal life and then with her lifelong friend Sabine they overcome threats and mortal danger to protect the Great Library to the present day.

Travel with Amanishakete and Sabine across the centuries as they use their warrior skills and mystical powers, aided by friends from across the veils of dimensions, to combat those who would destroy or steal the secrets of the Great Library. Share their loves, passions, despair, pain and victories.

Three hundred and five years before the birth of Christ Ptolemy, a lifelong friend and favoured general of Alexander the Great who’d died in 323 BC, declared himself Pharaoh of Egypt and the founder of the Ptolemaic dynasty that was to last nearly three hundred years.
He founded the Great Alexandrian Library, destined to become the known worlds largest collection of scholarly works a centre of learning, academic and scientific study and a destination for the greatest minds of the day.

In 280 BC he was also to agree to an ingenious plan, proposed by Chief Librarian Zenodotus, to save the Great Alexandrian Library for posterity.

Nearly three hundred years later, as Cleopatra and Marc Anthony prepared to defend Alexandria from the Romans, the plan is put into action by Amanishakete. Accepting the quest to find the ingredients for an elixir of eternal life it takes her and a band of Berber friends and Sabine across the wastes of the Sahara Desert sharing dangers, death and intrigues.

Today historians still continue to debate the likely causes of the demise of the Great Alexandrian Library, whether at the hands of the Romans, the Muslims or from fire or natural disasters. It is assumed, in the absence of hard evidence, that the Library has truly perished. But in reality no one in the outside world really knows what has become of it or, that in absolute secrecy for more than two thousand years Amanishakete, Sabine and the Guardians of Knowledge have protected the Library while adding other ‘lost’ libraries and continuing to uphold the Principles as laid down by Ptolemy and Zenodotus.

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09/01/2023 19:02:18
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