The Second Chance Year

The Second Chance Year Melissa Wiesner


The Second Chance Year

In this unforgettable story full of charm, wit—and just a bit of magic—a woman down on her luck is given a second chance at fixing her life and trying one year all over again. Perfect for readers of Josie Silver and Rebecca Serle.

Sadie Thatcher’s life has fallen apart in spectacular fashion. In one fell swoop, she managed to lose her job, her apartment, and her boyfriend—all thanks to her big mouth. So when a fortune teller offers her one wish, Sadie jumps at the chance to redo her awful year. Deep down, she doesn’t believe magic will fix her life, but taking a leap of faith, Sadie makes her wish, opens her eyes, and . . . nothing has changed. And then, in perhaps her dumbest move yet, she kisses her brother’s best friend, Jacob.

When Sadie wakes up the next morning, she’s in her former apartment with her former boyfriend, and her former boss is expecting her at work. Checking the date, she realizes it's January 1 . . . of last year. As Sadie navigates her second-chance year, she begins to see the red flags she missed in her relationship and in her career. Plus, she keeps running into Jacob, and she can’t stop thinking about their kiss . . . the one he has no idea ever happened. Suddenly, Sadie begins to wonder if her only mistake was wishing for a second chance.
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The Second Chance Year


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on 26/6/24

A história é super interessante, a ideia de refazer um ano todo pra consertar suas cagadas é bem legal super interessante tbm ver como a sadie vai mudando sua perspectiva de si mesma e das pessoas na vida dela. o desenvolvimento pessoal dela é incrível e super bem escrito a escrita toda do livro é bem feita, bem fluida, sem momentos maçantes ou forçados o que faltou pra mim foi conhecermos mais o Jacob, achei ele meio apagadinho pra ser o "galã" do livro. nao achei que ele e a sadi... leia mais


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16/12/2023 09:58:06
editou em:
16/12/2023 09:58:31

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