The Shelters of Stone

The Shelters of Stone Jean M. Auel


The Shelters of Stone

Return to the Clan of the Cave Bear -- Ayla and Jondalar have reached home: the Ninth Cave of the Zelandonii, the old stone age settlement in the region known today as south-west France. Ayla has much to learn from the Zelandonii as well as much to teach them. Jondalar s family are initially wary of the beautiful young woman he has brought back, with her strange accent and her tame wolf and horses. She is delighted when she meets Zelandoni, the spiritual leader of her people, a fellow healer with whom she can share her medicinal skills. After the rigours and dangers that have characterised her extraordinary life, Ayla yearns for peace and tranquillity; to be Jondalar s mate and to have children. But her unique spiritual gifts cannot be ignored, and even as she gives birth to their eagerly-awaited child, she is coming to accept that she has a greater role to play in the destiny of the Zelandonii.

Aventura / Drama / Ficção / História / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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The Shelters of Stone


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on 19/4/23

Gostei de voltar ao universo depois de um tempo. O pacing de tudo tá bem ruim, com capítulos iniciados e terminados em lugares muito errados. É meio guilty pleasure, mas ok. Em alguns pontos, o livro é super parado. Em outros, super rápido. Ele é a prova que a Auel não escreve muito bem e que os livros não têm um bom editor. Mas enfim, divertido, gostei dos personagens, dos vilões (ainda que ela tenha falado falado e não feito nada com eles), e estamos na reta final da série.... leia mais


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João gregorio
cadastrou em:
23/06/2017 11:58:01
editou em:
29/08/2017 12:51:59

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