The Tea Dragon Tapestry

The Tea Dragon Tapestry


The Tea Dragon Tapestry (Tea Dragon #3)

Join Greta and Minette once more for the heartwarming conclusion of the award-winning Tea Dragon series!

Over a year since being entrusted with Ginseng's care, Greta still can't chase away the cloud of mourning that hangs over the timid Tea Dragon. As she struggles to create something spectacular enough to impress a master blacksmith in search of an apprentice, she questions the true meaning of crafting, and the true meaning of caring for someone in grief. Meanwhile, Minette receives a surprise package from the monastery where she was once training to be a prophetess. Thrown into confusion about her path in life, the shy and reserved Minette finds that the more she opens her heart to others, the more clearly she can see what was always inside.

Told with the same care and charm as the previous installments of the Tea Dragon series, The Tea Dragon Tapestry welcomes old friends and new into a heartfelt story of purpose, love, and growth.

Fantasia / LGBT / GLS

Edições (1)

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The Tea Dragon Tapestry


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Resenhas para The Tea Dragon Tapestry (77)

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on 18/1/21

Terceiro volume dessa série de HQs sobre meninas ferreiras, dragões e chás. De volta ao presente com Greta e Minette, que preciso dizer, são as personagens mais fofas do universo. Greta esta em dois momentos importantes da sua vida, a chance de poder se tornar aprendiz de uma ferreiro super importante e conhecido, que fez milhares de coisas incrível e o seu tea dragon que nao conseguiu se adaptar a ela, por ainda sentir muita falta do antigo dono. A historia é incrivel do inicio ao... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.5 / 487
ranking 66
ranking 27
ranking 6
ranking 1
ranking 0



Rosana - @tudoquemotiva
cadastrou em:
02/07/2020 10:56:05
editou em:
16/07/2021 17:10:47

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