The Wedding

The Wedding Julie Garwood


The Wedding

(O Casamento)

Only a master could top the stunning success of For the Roses, and Julie Garwood has proven once again why she "attracts readers like beautiful heroines attract dashing heroes" (USA Today) with this joyous New York Times bestseller. Returning to the enchanting world of her classic The Bride, she brings the soaring adventure, love and rivalry of medieval Scotland to glorious life in a delightful tale her fans will adore.

Journeying from England to Scotland to wed a highlander, Lady Brenna had resigned herself to the arranged match. But when a band of fierce, painted warriors captured her en route, she fearlessly met their demand to marry their leader -- the quick-tempered laird Connor MacAlister. She couldn't know that her capture was merely the first act of vengeance against her betrothed, Connor's sworn enemy. Brenna harbored no illusions that her husband was in love with her; after a hasty forest wedding, MacAlister assured her she could return home once she had borne him a son. But she could not deny that she had once proposed to MacAlister -- ten years ago, when she was just a child, and the visitor to her father's castle charmed her with his dazzling, unexpected smile. Now, as she sets out to win the brave chieftain whom she has come to adore, a legacy of revenge ensnares Brenna in a furious clan war -- and only her faith in her gallant hero can save her...


Edições (2)

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The Wedding
O Casamento


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Casamento , Missão Impossivel - Só para homens
The bride
Doce resgate
Tiempo de promesas

Resenhas para The Wedding (34)

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on 25/10/10

The wedding (O casamento) é um livro da Julie Garwwod que dá continuação a série Lairds Fiances. O primeiro livro da série é The Bride (A noiva - se você ainda não o leu, não perca tempo! Vá encontrar agora com o maravilhoso Laird Alec Kincaid e sua linda Jamie *-*). Depois que li, The Bride, estava desesperada para ler The Wedding, mas demorei pacas tentando encontrar uma tradução decente, e como todos os ebooks "traduzidos" para o português, estavam muito tendenciosos para o espanho... leia mais


Avaliações 3.9 / 134
ranking 35
ranking 35
ranking 25
ranking 4
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
05/07/2013 16:29:53

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