We keep secrets

We keep secrets AJ Merlin


We keep secrets (Behind closed doors #2)

Things were supposed to get better once no one was actively trying to kill me. Not a lot worse.

With my murderous stalker dead and buried, I really should be able to enjoy getting to know my two men more intimately and focusing on how I’m going to move forward with my life.

Not worrying that one of them is a murderer and that the other is way too okay with that.

No matter how much they try to convince me that nothing is wrong and that I should be looking to move on instead of concentrating on what’s behind me, I can’t shake the feeling that the problem was never my stalker.

It was always Ashwick.

And I’m not the only one who thinks so, either. While I’m trying to stay out of jail and keep myself level headed, another group has come to Ashwick who claim to be friends of Maggie. They’re here with wild accusations and assumptions, saying things that are too crazy to be real.

But I’ve been wondering the same things, I’m just too afraid to say them out loud. No matter how much I want to look the other way, I don’t think that’s an option.

This time, the choice I make will have deadly consequences to at least one person. I just have to pick which one.


WE KEEP SECRETS is a MMF dark romance. It features MM and MFM scenes, along with graphic violence and cult themes. It is the second book of the Behind Closed Doors Duet.

Edições (1)

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We keep secrets


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We tell lies
Pretty Little Killer
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Resenhas para We keep secrets (1)

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We keep secrets
on 6/2/24

Olha, não sei... Depois da revelação do segredo, eu não sei o que esperava, mas minha nossa A Parker não se decide, ela já estava com o Kayn, sabendo que ele é um serial killer, mas toda a questão do Ev e da cidade aparência é demais pra ela Ela fica reclamando da galera matar, pro KAYN Toda essa parte de culto me incomodou bastante, não gostei desse plot A parte da mentira tbm me incomodou. Eu entendo que a Parker sairia correndo sem voltar pra cidade, tanto que quase fez isso, m... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
05/02/2024 14:47:06
editou em:
05/02/2024 14:47:56

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