With a Hunter 10 Times a Night...

With a Hunter 10 Times a Night...


With a Hunter 10 Times a Night...

In a world where dungeons appear randomly, some humans manifest as Hunters.

In return for serving the nation for ten years as a mandatory requirement, the siblings of Hunters are exempted from enlisting in the South Korean military. Due to this, adopting a child with the potential of becoming a hunter has become a trend for the wealthy.

Yeonwoo wasn’t any different than those typical cases. He was adopted, became a Hunter, and joined the military in the place of his younger stepbrother, Jungwoo, who was only a year younger than him.

In Yeonwoo’s fifth year serving in the military, an unidentified dungeon appears near the university that Jungwoo attends. Yeonwoo voluntarily throws himself into that dungeon.

Therefore, Mo Yeonwoo, as the elder brother and Hunter who enlisted on behalf of Jungwoo, was obligated to protect Mo Jungwoo’s peaceful life in any way he could. The day before enlisting, even with Jungwoo struggling to refuse, Yeonwoo pinned down Jungwoo through brute force, sucked his dick, and shoved it into his own hole.

He had to pay the price.

Even if it cost his life.

Fantasia / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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With a Hunter 10 Times a Night...


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on 15/8/24

Isso aqui é o significado da pura preguiça, a autora criou tipo um Solo Leveling versão bl, o lance dos portais e o despertar dos caçadores é bem legal, mas não foi nenhuma ideia inovadora, o toque especial que poderia ter dado, não deu, isso aqui não tem desenvolvimento algum, é um grande nada com cenas meio merdas, o que é uma pena, por que a arte é bem bonita, e a história tinha potencial pra ter pelo menos uns 40 capítulos, que poderiam sim ser trabalhados de maneira decente! Enfim... leia mais


Avaliações 2.6 / 18
ranking 0
ranking 17
ranking 56
ranking 22
ranking 6



cadastrou em:
17/03/2024 22:46:33
editou em:
17/03/2024 22:46:46

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