Working on a Song: The Lyrics of HADESTOWN

Working on a Song: The Lyrics of HADESTOWN Anaïs Mitchell


Working on a Song: The Lyrics of HADESTOWN

A stunning book of lyrics and stories from Hadestown—the winner of eight Tony Awards, including Best Musical—from its author, songwriter Anaïs Mitchell with a foreword by Steve Earle

On Broadway, this fresh take on the Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice has become a modern classic. Heralded as “The best new musical of the season,” by The Wall Street Journal, and “Sumptuous. Gorgeous. As good as it gets,” by The New York Times, the show was a breakout hit, with its poignant social commentary, and spellbinding music and lyrics.

In this book, Anaïs Mitchell takes readers inside her more than decade’s-long process of building the musical from the ground up—detailing her inspiration, breaking down the lyrics, and opening up the process of creation that gave birth to Hadestown. Fans and newcomers alike will love this deeply thoughtful, revealing look at how the songs from “the underground” evolved, and became the songs we sing again and again.

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Working on a Song: The Lyrics of HADESTOWN


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Hadestown é uma das obras artísticas que mais me tocam, é inexplicável a conexão que eu tenho com ela. Definitivamente não me arrependi de ter comprado na pré-estreia e de ter esperado mil anos pra ter este livro em minhas mãos. Ele me encarou em momentos difíceis e até precisei deixar ele num canto por bons meses mas hoje, felizmente, consegui voltar e o terminei. Ele é perfeito e completamente diferente do que eu esperava que ele fosse (ps: as letras ali não estão lá pra gastar págin... leia mais


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Thais Fraccari
cadastrou em:
09/07/2020 20:54:16
Thais Fraccari
editou em:
09/07/2020 20:57:20