Beautiful Graves

Beautiful Graves L. J. Shen


Beautiful Graves

From USA Today bestselling author L.J. Shen comes a passion- and angst-charged story about a woman caught between a secure relationship and a once-in-a-lifetime spark with her muse.

They say first loves are oftentimes the end of one's innocence.

Those words couldn't ring truer for Everlynne Lawson, whose first brush with romance came with a heartbreak... and the thing that seems to follow her everywhere she goes. Death.

After a great tragedy, Everlynne loses all she cares about―her dreams, her family, and her soulmate, Joe.

Guilt-ridden, Everlynne decides to isolate herself in Salem, Massachusetts. A shell of the woman she once was, she takes her days one at a time, careful not to allow herself the joy she believes others in her life were robbed of. But when the mysterious, handsome Dominic storms into her life, it becomes more difficult to stay in solitude. Dominic is different: adventurous, joyous, with lust for life and a passion to make her his.

Everlynne is on the cusp of reinventing herself once again when the old wounds of her past are resurrected, rawer than ever. There is nothing worse than being in love with two men.

Especially when one of them hates you.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Beautiful Graves


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3,5 estrelas
on 20/7/24

Difícil dar uma nota p esse livro, mas 3.5 é equilíbrio num livro q me prendeu demais a atenção cerca de 70% dele e q me deu tédio nos outros 30%. A maior parte dele o enredo te prende e flui muito bem. Mas não dá p deixar de lado o fato da Ever ser uma personagem muito chata e egoísta. Mas é algo tão latente, q é impossível vc compreender como um cara tão legal como o Joe se apaixona por ela! E aí eu vejo o problema do livro: o romance entre eles no fundo não me convenceu. Pontos al... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.5 / 67
ranking 12
ranking 52
ranking 30
ranking 4
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
10/06/2022 17:52:19
editou em:
04/08/2022 15:55:18

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