City of Girls

City of Girls Elizabeth Gilbert


City of Girls

"Life is both fleeting and dangerous, and there is no point in denying yourself pleasure, or being anything other than what you are."

Beloved author Elizabeth Gilbert returns to fiction with a unique love story set in the New York City theater world during the 1940s. Told from the perspective of an older woman as she looks back on her youth with both pleasure and regret (but mostly pleasure), City of Girls explores themes of female sexuality and promiscuity, as well as the idiosyncrasies of true love.

In 1940, nineteen-year-old Vivian Morris has just been kicked out of Vassar College, owing to her lackluster freshman-year performance. Her affluent parents send her to Manhattan to live with her Aunt Peg, who owns a flamboyant, crumbling midtown theater called the Lily Playhouse. There Vivian is introduced to an entire cosmos of unconventional and charismatic characters, from the fun-chasing showgirls to a sexy male actor, a grand-dame actress, a lady-killer writer, and no-nonsense stage manager. But when Vivian makes a personal mistake that results in professional scandal, it turns her new world upside down in ways that it will take her years to fully understand. Ultimately, though, it leads her to a new understanding of the kind of life she craves - and the kind of freedom it takes to pursue it. It will also lead to the love of her life, a love that stands out from all the rest.

Now ninety-five years old and telling her story at last, Vivian recalls how the events of those years altered the course of her life - and the gusto and autonomy with which she approached it. "At some point in a woman's life, she just gets tired of being ashamed all the time," she muses. "After that, she is free to become whoever she truly is." Written with a powerful wisdom about human desire and connection, City of Girls is a love story like no other.

Ficção / Romance

Edições (3)

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on 1/8/22

comecei esse livro sem expectativa alguma e por puro tédio e acabei apaixonada por essa jornada ? é engraçado como esse livro veio até mim logo em um momento que eu estive pensando MUITO sobre a vida, memórias e como o tempo simplesmente voa diante dos nossos olhos. eu amei o fato do livro inteiro ser uma carta escrita pelo ponto de vista da Vivian sobre sua vida, fiquei bem apaixonada pela escrita e bem envolvida na história e nos personagens. enfim, um show de livro ?... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.3 / 99
ranking 49
ranking 39
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cadastrou em:
04/06/2023 22:59:05
editou em:
04/06/2023 23:00:03

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