Fevered Star

Fevered Star Rebecca Roanhorse


Fevered Star (Between Earth and Sky #2)

There are no tides more treacherous than those of the heart. —Teek saying

The great city of Tova is shattered. The sun is held within the smothering grip of the Crow God’s eclipse, but a comet that marks the death of a ruler and heralds the rise of a new order is imminent.

The Meridian: a land where magic has been codified and the worship of gods suppressed. How do you live when legends come to life, and the faith you had is rewarded?

As sea captain Xiala is swept up in the chaos and currents of change, she finds an unexpected ally in the former Priest of Knives. For the Clan Matriarchs of Tova, tense alliances form as far-flung enemies gather and the war in the heavens is reflected upon the earth.

And for Serapio and Naranpa, both now living avatars, the struggle for free will and personhood in the face of destiny rages. How will Serapio stay human when he is steeped in prophecy and surrounded by those who desire only his power? Is there a future for Naranpa in a transformed Tova without her total destruction?

Welcome back to the fantasy series of the decade in Fevered Star—book two of Between Earth and Sky.

Fantasia / Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (1)

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Fevered Star


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Black Sun

Resenhas para Fevered Star (3)

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on 5/11/22

Infelizmente eu não gostei da continuação tanto quanto gostei de Black Sun. Para mim Fevered Star pareceu estar apenas colocando os personagens no lugar para o livro 3. Linhas estão sendo traçadas, alianças formadas e pessoas viajando para lugares diferentes. Foi bom. Em termos de escrita, é bom, mas infelizmente cai na famigerada ?síndrome do livro do meio?, onde o enredo é mais lento, um pouco chato e principalmente algumas partes parecem ser apenas ?filler? para o próximo livro.... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 13
ranking 15
ranking 62
ranking 23
ranking 0
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cadastrou em:
19/07/2021 20:40:35
editou em:
19/07/2021 20:41:07

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