Mini Shopaholic

Mini Shopaholic Sophie Kinsella


Mini Shopaholic

Nothing comes between Becky Brandon (née Bloomwood) and her bargains. Neither act of God nor budget crunch can shatter her dreams of wall-to-wall Prada. Every milestone in her well-shopped life (travel, long-lost sister, marriage, pregnancy) inspires new vistas to explore in the name of retail therapy. But now she faces her greatest little challenge yet: Becky's two-year-old daughter, Minnie.

While motherhood has been everything Becky dreamed it would be - Baby Dior, Little Marc Jacobs, and Dolce & Gabbana for toddlers - adorable Minnie is wreaking havoc everywhere she goes, from Harrods to her own christening. Her favorite word is 'MINE!' and her penchant for Balenciaga bags, Chanel sunglasses, and online purchases has no rival under age five.

Becky is at her wits end. On top of this, she and her husband Luke are still living with her parents. Thankfully it appears house buying attempt number four is a go! Until a huge financial crisis causes panic everywhere, and nobody wants to shop - not Becky's personal shopping clientele, not her friends, nobody. And with Luke in the doldrums, it's time for Becky to step in - with a party: A surprise birthday party for Luke (on a budget) is the perfect antidote to everyone's woes. At first.

Will Becky manage to keep the party of the year a surprise? Can she hire jugglers, fire-eaters, and acrobats at a discount? Will enlisting the help of Luke's unflappable assistant to convince him to have another baby realize her dream of matching pom-poms? Will Minnie find a new outlet for her energetic and spirited nature (perhaps one with sixty percent markdowns)? She is, after all, a chip off the old shopping block. And everyone knows a committed shopper always finds a way.

Edições (4)

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Mini Shopaholic
Mini Shopaholic
Mini Shopaholic
Mini Shopaholic


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Becky é Becky!
on 16/5/11

Eu precisava ler um chick-lit que me fizesse rir depois de passar por alguns dias tortuosos lendo "O Último Trem de Hiroshima" e nada melhor que Becky Bloom para isso. Não há maneiras de comparar Sophie Kinsela com autores de clássicos, mas dentro do seu gênero, na minha opinião, é uma das melhores. O livro começa, assim como os outros, com o jargão “Don’t Panic” da Becky. Ela está no shopping fazendo compras natalinas com a família, incluindo sua filha de 2 anos Minnie. Já dá pra no... leia mais


Avaliações 4.2 / 120
ranking 48
ranking 32
ranking 15
ranking 4
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
08/10/2011 02:08:42

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