The Gamble

The Gamble Kristen Ashley


The Gamble (Colorado Mountain #1)

Nina Sheridan’s on a timeout adventure in the Colorado Mountains. She needs distance from her clueless fiancé, distance to decide whether she wants to spend the rest of her life with a man who doesn’t care enough to learn how she takes her coffee.

Arriving in a blinding snowstorm at the A-Frame she rented, she comes face to face with the most amazing man she’s ever seen. Minutes later, when he kicks her out of his house, she goes head to head with him.

Beyond angry because she’s flown half a world away to start her timeout adventure, not to mention her sinuses hurt, she heads back down the mountain and ends up in a ditch. Unable to extricate herself, she gives up, hopes for rescue and falls asleep in the backseat.

The next morning she wakes up in the amazing man’s bed and she’s sick as a dog.

Holden Maxwell spends days nursing her back to health and then he spends the next two weeks trying to convince her to take her Colorado adventure further, in other words, make it permanent and take a gamble on him.

Nina has a tough time fighting her attraction to Max, especially when it seems all Max’s friends, her mother and stepdad and the whole town want them together and both she and Max get embroiled in the murder of Max’s ex-friend and the town of Gnaw Bone’s most detested resident – a man everyone has motive to kill, especially Max.


Edições (3)

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The Gamble
The Gamble
The Gamble


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Resenhas para The Gamble (7)

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Max e Duquesa
on 31/5/22

Olha, me surpreendi de gostar tanto desse livro e favoritar. Me surpreendi porque tinha tantos diálogos e pensamentos que não precisavam ser escritos na história...e isso geralmente me aborrece, mas sabe que isso não abalou o brilho do livro? Simplesmente porque até esses diálogos e pensamentos em demasia eram engraçados. Você tem noção do que é gostar tanto da história, dos personagens(todos) da pequena cidade onde tudo acontece? Gostar tanto mesmo que você fica querendo morar l... leia mais


Avaliações 4.0 / 159
ranking 45
ranking 27
ranking 21
ranking 5
ranking 2



cadastrou em:
06/09/2012 21:06:26
editou em:
11/12/2016 19:10:52

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