Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies William Golding


Lord of the Flies (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition)

William Golding’s unforgettable classic of boyhood adventure and the savagery of humanity comes to Penguin Classics in a stunning Graphic Deluxe Edition with a new foreword by Lois Lowry

As provocative today as when it was first published in 1954, Lord of the Flies continues to ignite passionate debate with its startling, brutal portrait of human nature. William Golding’s compelling story about a group of very ordinary boys marooned on a coral island has been labeled a parable, an allegory, a myth, a morality tale, a parody, a political treatise, and even a vision of the apocalypse. But above all, it has earned its place as one of the indisputable classics of the twentieth century for readers of any age.

This Penguin Classics Graphic Deluxe Edition features an array of special features to supplement the novel, including a foreword by Lois Lowry, an introduction by Stephen King, an essay by E. M. Forster, an essay on teaching and reading the novel and suggestions for further exploration by scholar Jennifer Buehler, and an extended note by E. L. Epstein, the publisher of the first American paperback edition of Lord of the Flies.

Literatura Estrangeira / Ficção

Edições (21)

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Resenhas para Lord of the Flies (77)

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on 18/12/21

Que livro!!! Eu nunca tinha lido algo desse autor, mas depois de ler o "Senhor das Moscas" necessito conhecer mais sobre o William Golding! Adorei o jeito que ele escreve e como ele te transporta para dentro da história! A narração retrata vários garotos "pré-adolescentes" que após um acidente se encontram perdidos no meio do oceano, em uma ilha tropical, sem nenhum adulto por perto... Uma das coisas que eu mais gostei foi a TENTATIVA deles de se auto liderarem. Várias vezes lendo as ... leia mais


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17/08/2019 21:00:10

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