P.S. from Paris (US edition) (English Edition)

P.S. from Paris (US edition) (English Edition) Marc Levy


P.S. from Paris (US edition) (English Edition)

A Novel

From Marc Levy, the most-read French author alive today, comes a modern-day love story between a famous actress hiding in Paris and a bestselling writer lying to himself. They knew their friendship was going to be complicated, but love—and the City of Lights—just might find a way.

On the big screen, Mia plays a woman in love. But in real life, she’s an actress in need of a break from her real-life philandering husband—the megastar who plays her romantic interest in the movies. So she heads across the English Channel to hide in Paris behind a new haircut, fake eyeglasses, and a waitressing job at her best friend’s restaurant.

Paul is an American author hoping to recapture the fame of his first novel. When his best friend surreptitiously sets him up with Mia through a dating website, Paul and Mia’s relationship status is “complicated.”

Even though everything about Paris seems to be nudging them together, the two lonely ex-pats resist, concocting increasingly far-fetched strategies to stay “just friends.” A feat easier said than done, as fate has other plans in store. Is true love waiting for them in a postscript?

Ficção / Línguas Estrangeiras / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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P.S. from Paris (US edition) (English Edition)


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P.S. de Paris

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Com certeza viraria um filme
on 31/12/23

é uma leitura muitoo leve, fácil e curta (pra quem tá lendo em inglês), e pra quem ama slow burn é com certeza uma indicação. eu gostei dos personagens e o fato de ser ambientado em Paris contribuiu muito pra que a leitura se tornasse interessante. tem umas reviravoltas (que eu achei que teve pouco desenvolvimento no início) e o romance é taoo bom. antes de ler eu jurava que era um famosinho na gringa, mas não. quem tiver k.u. dá uma olhada dps (se vc gosta desse tipo de gênero)! não ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.4 / 42
ranking 19
ranking 48
ranking 14
ranking 19
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cadastrou em:
16/03/2017 16:23:41
editou em:
11/12/2022 01:31:09

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