The Fire Queen

The Fire Queen Emily R. King


The Fire Queen (The Hundredth Queen #2)

Though the tyrant rajah she was forced to marry is dead, Kalinda’s troubles are far from over. A warlord has invaded the imperial city, and now she’s in exile. But she isn’t alone. Kalinda has the allegiance of Captain Deven Naik, her guard and beloved, imprisoned for treason and stripped of command. With the empire at war, their best hope is to find Prince Ashwin, the rajah’s son, who has promised Deven’s freedom on one condition: that Kalinda will fight and defeat three formidable opponents.

But as Kalinda’s tournament strengths are once again challenged, so too is her relationship with Deven. While Deven fears her powers, Ashwin reveres them—as well as the courageous woman who wields them. Kalinda comes to regard Ashwin as the only man who can repair a warring world and finds herself torn between her allegiance to Deven and a newly found respect for the young prince.

With both the responsibility to protect her people and the fate of those she loves weighing heavily upon her, Kalinda is forced again to compete. She must test the limits of her fire powers and her hard-won wisdom. But will that be enough to unite the empire without sacrificing all she holds dear?

Fantasia / Jovem adulto

Edições (1)

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The Fire Queen


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The Hundredth Queen

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Melhor que o primeiro, mas ainda assim não tão bom
on 22/12/17

Na minha opinião esse livro foi um pouco melhor que o primeiro. Ainda não me importo com os personagens ou com a história, mas foi menos doloroso para mim. Já fiz uma resenha do primeiro livro, The Hundredth Queen. Se quiser lê-la, clique aqui: Para mim The Hundredth Queen foi um livro bem ruim. Não achei o desenvolvimento dos personagens muito bom e a história foi meio... meh. The Fire Queen melhora isso? Bem... não muito. Mas con... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.2 / 3
ranking 33
ranking 0
ranking 33
ranking 33
ranking 0



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