The Mercies

The Mercies Kiran Millwood Hargrave


The Mercies

Finnmark, Norway, 1617. Twenty-year-old Maren Bergensdatter stands on the craggy coast, watching the sea break into a sudden and reckless storm. Forty fishermen, including her brother and father, are drowned and left broken on the rocks below. With the menfolk wiped out, the women of the tiny Northern town of Vardø must fend for themselves.

Three years later, a sinister figure arrives. Absalom Cornet comes from Scotland, where he burned witches in the northern isles. He brings with him his young Norwegian wife, Ursa, who is both heady with her husband's authority and terrified by it. In Vardø, and in Maren, Ursa sees something she has never seen before: independent women. But Absalom sees only a place untouched by God and flooded with a mighty evil.

As Maren and Ursa are pushed together and are drawn to one another in ways that surprise them both, the island begins to close in on them with Absalom's iron rule threatening Vardø's very existence.

Inspired by the real events of the Vardø storm and the 1620 witch trials, THE MERCIES is a feminist story of love, evil, and obsession, set at the edge of civilization.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (3)

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The Mercies
The Mercies
The Mercies


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on 11/4/21

"Oh, God have mercy on us. We have begun it, and cannot end it." Revoltante demais saber que todo o contexto foi baseado em fatos reais, é absurdo o quão longe o fanatismo religioso pode ir. O livro no geral é muito bom, só um pouco arrastado em algumas partes, podia ter pegado ritmo um pouco antes. Ps: linguagem meio complexa em alguns pontos específicos de vocabulário também, sou acostumada a ler em inglês mas tinham uns nomes de plantas e bichos que eu botava na tradução e nem o t... leia mais


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