The Nursery

The Nursery Szilvia Molnar


The Nursery

A debut novel from a remarkable new talent: a visceral and revelatory portrait of a woman struggling with maternal fear and its looming madness, showing how difficult and fragile those postpartum days can be, and how vital love is to pull anyone out from the dark

There is the before and the after. Withering in the maternal prison of her apartment, a new mother finds herself spiraling into a state of complete disaffection. As a translator, she is usually happy to spend her days as the invisible interpreter. But now home alone with her newborn, she is ill at ease with this state of perpetual giving, carrying, feeding. The instinct to keep her baby safe conflicts with the intrusive thoughts of causing the baby harm, and she struggles to reclaim her identity just as it seems to dissolve from underneath her.

Feeling isolated from her supportive but ineffectual husband, she strikes up a tentative friendship with her ailing upstairs neighbor, Peter, who hushes the baby with his oxygen tank in tow. But they are both running out of time; something is soon to crack. Joyful early days of her pregnancy mingle with the anxious arrival of the baby, and culminate in a painful confrontation—mostly, between our narrator and herself. Striking and emotive, The Nursery documents the slow process of staggering back towards the simple pleasures of life and reentering the world after post-partum depression.

Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (2)

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The Nursery


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Não leia se você está pensando em ser mãe
on 31/3/24

A crítica que li chamava de " retrato cru e visceral da maternidade". Não é. É um retrato de uma mulher que não deveria ser mãe com um caso grave de depressão pós-parto. A maternidade é um trabalho duro e pode ser doloroso e sobrecarregar a mulher, mas não é normal ficar constantemente imaginando matar seu bebê, e normalizar esse tipo de coisa não é só errado, como também perigoso. E se a mulher tem medo da chegada do bebê na mesma medida que o quer (como a narradora), é um sinal... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.7 / 32
ranking 25
ranking 53
ranking 13
ranking 3
ranking 6



cadastrou em:
17/12/2022 13:40:37
editou em:
17/12/2022 13:41:19

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